How A Dog Bite Can Bite Your Home Insurance Rates

Dog's Can Affect Your Insurance Premiums

Many homeowners ask their agents, “why do you need to know if I own a dog? AND “what difference does it make what breed of dog?” As a professional risk manager, your insurance agent is looking out for your best interest by posing those questions.

What is Completed Operations on My Insurance Policy?

Completed Operations Coverage

This Coverage comes to the rescue when there is a lawsuit by your consumer against your products or services. It is often filed by a customer who has been physically or financially hurt due to the operations of your business.

Why Do You Need Hired And Non-Owned Auto Insurance?

Businesses need insurance because it helps cover expenses related to property damage and liability claims and thus prevents major losses in the long run.

Without insurance, a company may have to settle expensive damages and legal claims against their business out of their own pockets. Depending on the event, this can be an economically devastating scenario for many entrepreneurs.

School Is Back And So Are School Zones!

School Zones Are Back

We are returning to those blinking lights that indicate we need to slow down for school zones. Here are some safety tips to keep our kiddo’s safe and you free of speeding tickets 

5 Ways To Prevent Workers Compensation Claims

workers comp claims

As employer’s, it is our responsibility to ensure the safety and well being of our employees at work. Not only does a safe work environment improve productivity (no lost time injuries) and add to profitability, it boosts employee morale knowing you care about their well-being!

Want To Buy A Boat? What To Consider

Want to buy a boat? What are the benefits of buying a new boat, a used boat, and how to make sure you have the right insurance and taxes. Here are some top items to consider to make it a great experience.